No Motivation to Do Anything: Why and How to Deal

No Motivation to Do Anything

It is ironic and oddly satisfying how I am writing this just as I am coming off my “no motivation to do anything” phase. But being unmotivated for these past weeks was my cue to eventually sit down and write this piece. So, come with me as I explain (in the simplest way possible) how to deal with a lack of motivation, something that a vast majority of us have had to deal with from time to time.

Key Takeaways

  • Lack of motivation to do anything is caused by a variety of individual or combined factors, like, no strong internal motivator, self-doubt, or burnout.
  • The primary reason for laziness is a lack of motivation. Motivation is the urge that drives someone to act, whether consciously or unconsciously. If a person is not obliged to act owing to poor motivation, they are unlikely to do so.
  • If your lack of motivation is not due to medical conditions, you can take a break to recharge and break down your work into smaller tasks which will help with dedication and motivation.
  • To boost motivation you can, review your goals, practice self-care, and also take motivation from others.

No Motivation to Do Anything, Yet Not Depressed

I will tell you a story. During an office meeting, a colleague of mine loudly stated, “I am supposed to motivate others but I don’t even have the motivation to do anything, myself.” As expected, the majority of people around us believed she was depressed and recommended seeking professional help.

Now, while it is probable that depression was the cause of her lack of motivation, it is essential to acknowledge that a lack of motivation does not always result from depression.

The cause varies from person to person but is frequently related to bad thoughts, low life satisfaction, or, as previously indicated, depression.

It would help if you also understood that battling with motivation is not uncommon and does not imply that you are bound to remain stagnant and unmotivated perpetually. You can rekindle your creativity even when you don’t feel like doing anything.

In the instance of my beloved colleague, she was not depressed; she simply needed a unique challenge to rekindle her motivation and get her back on track (which she eventually got).

No Motivation to Do Anything, and Always Tired

Now, I am guessing the question a lot of people have on their mind is “What if I have no motivation to do anything and I am always tired?” I understand that always feeling tired can make it difficult to take action or get help. But the news is, that even the smallest steps can make a huge difference. You don’t have to go all out there at once like before. Start by taking five minutes of walk every day. Reading a page of a book. Setting small and short-term goals. Eventually, you are bound to pick up momentum and get fully back on track.

Why Do I Have No Motivation to Do Anything?

Lack of motivation to do anything is caused by a variety of individual or combined factors. You may be lacking motivation because you don’t have a strong internal motivator. This will of course be if your drive has always been extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation could be punishment from your parents, rewards from your boss, and the likes of them. Now that these driving aspects (extrinsic motivators) are absent, you are unable to find enough motivation to complete your tasks.

Other reasons you could be unmotivated include:


When you feel extremely overwhelmed by a large task, you may experience burnout. Burnout causes you to feel stressed and fuels your procrastination. You do everything you can to postpone the work you need to do until later. It’s almost like trying to buy time and eventually, you lose interest in doing anything. Many people are unaware that having too many tasks on their to-do list may have the counter effect you hope it will have. So instead of motivating you, you start to feel unmotivated.


I always believe that people underestimate how powerfully detrimental self-doubt can be. It is even more so because self-doubt does not often appear to be self-doubt. Okay, let me clarify this further: When you need to do something but can’t seem to begin because you are afraid you won’t be able to do it, the thoughts that haunt your head do not appear to be those of self-doubt. It merely creeps in and disguises itself as something else. When you are continuously battling self-doubt, it might be difficult to feel motivated to get started.


As I indicated at the beginning of this article, a lack of desire or interest might be a result of depression. In reality, the most common and imminent signs of depression are a loss of motivation and a continuous sense of grief. However, when you are depressed, you experience something known as avolition. This is a much stronger sense of lack of motivation. It differs somewhat from typical apathy, yet they both boil down to the same thing: a lack of motivation to accomplish anything.


This may not be what you wanted to hear, but the truth is that being a pessimist and having a negative attitude toward things will damage your motivation. Focusing on negative things prevents you from completing activities, and it may control you indefinitely.

How Do You Fix a Lack of Motivation?

One thing I frequently tell people to do is figure out why they have no motivation to do anything. Yes. You cannot effectively tackle an issue if you do not understand the cause.

A depressed person cannot overcome their lack of motivation in the same way that a person experiencing burnout may. So, first and foremost, figure out why you’re not motivated.

After determining the cause of your lack of motivation, you can follow the steps below to overcome it:

If your lack of motivation is not due to medical conditions, you can:

1. Take a Break

Stressful and difficult tasks have a significant impact on our motivation. Taking a break will allow you to recharge and come up with new ideas. If you work for an organization, you have the right to request a leave of absence. Going away from the family, whether solo or with your spouse, can be beneficial as well.

2. Implement a Reward System

If you are accustomed to being extrinsically driven through incentives and penalties, you may experience a lack of motivation when you operate your own business. To address this, you may need to establish your reward system. Celebrating small victories by doing something you enjoy tells your brain that you performed well and motivates you to do more. Giving yourself mental rewards helps you avoid the trap of ignoring your accomplishments and focusing on what you still need to complete.
Celebrations and incentives help promote balance and provide necessary breaks to refresh your mind.

3. Break Down Tasks Into Smaller, Easier Ones

You’ve probably heard that while making goals, you should aim for SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. This will help you with dedication and motivation. Not dividing work into little, manageable chunks can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Nothing fosters a lack of motivation faster than feeling overwhelmed. Also, not all goals need to be long-term. You could set short-term goals as well.

4. Understand Your Purpose

One reason we may lack the motivation to do anything is that we are not doing something we enjoy. Humans require meaning to thrive. Purpose is one of our strongest motivators, and a lack of motivation may indicate that your current circumstance is not ideal for you. When you reflect on your life, do you feel energized or physically and emotionally exhausted? Listen to your gut instincts and look for patterns.

5. Therapy

This is essential for avolition caused by medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Finding the proper therapist may help you identify and process your inner thoughts and feelings, as well as establish healthy new beliefs to replace them. factors like difficult life conditions or the belief that you must be always busy to be productive may eventually cause a lack of motivation. Everyone can benefit from therapy, regardless of the source of their lack of motivation.

Am I Lazy or Unmotivated?

There is a fine line between being unmotivated and being lazy. This is because, in most circumstances, the two can and do exist concurrently. It’s more of a cause-effect relationship. Laziness results from a person’s lack of motivation. So, lack of motivation is the cause, and laziness is the result.

If you are consistently reluctant to do anything, others may refer to you as lazy. It becomes more of a propensity.

The difference between being uninspired and being lazy is that you are unlikely to feel lazy without being unmotivated, whereas you can feel unmotivated and still do your duties. It’s often challenging, yet some people can finish jobs and work despite their lack of motivation.

In conclusion, the primary reason for laziness is a lack of motivation. Motivation is the urge that drives someone to act, whether consciously or unconsciously. If a person is not obliged to act owing to poor motivation, they are unlikely to do so.

How Can I Boost My Motivation?

One positive aspect of motivation? It does not always remain low. You could take these proactive steps to improve your motivation:

Review Your Goals

Sometimes we set unrealistic goals. That is OK. At first, you may feel so euphoric that you set goals that are either unattainable or not easily attainable. Along the way, you may gas out, and the dream you had no longer appears to be coming true. This will result in a lack of motivation. To rekindle your motivation, sit down and examine your goals. If they are confusing, divide them into small, manageable components. This will help to refuel your motivation and the zeal you started with. Remember, you can reassess your goals as often as you need to.

Goal Reassessment Template

Take a moment to reassess one of your current goals today. Reflect on any obstacles you’ve encountered, and don’t hesitate to make adjustments or set a new timeline. This small step can help reignite your motivation and give you a fresh perspective on how to move forward!

Take Motivation from Others

Find encouragement and inspiration by talking to a friend or mentor, reading a book, or listening to an uplifting playlist. Be open-minded and discover how others get motivated.

Practice Self-Care

You can use self-care techniques such as reading, writing, exercising, or taking up a hobby like painting. Self-care is whatever makes you feel energized and renewed.

Set Specific Deadlines

Everyone likely has a love-hate relationship with deadlines. However, deadlines are critical if you want to stay motivated. Set precise and defined timeframes for your projects and goals. Knowing there is a deadline can instill a sense of urgency and inspire you to keep on course.

Seek an Accountability Partner

This is a banger! I do this with my sister. We communicate our goals and deadlines and hold each other accountable. If you’re feeling unmotivated, try this. Share your goals with a friend or family member who can keep you accountable. Regular check-ins and encouragement from a trusted source can help you stay motivated.

How to Gain Motivation

You’ve learned how to enhance your motivation. What about when you need motivation to get started? Because, to be honest, we’ve discussed motivation in terms of having it once and then losing it. So, what happens when motivation is lacking from the start? How do you gain motivation? I’ll give you a few pointers on how to do that:

Select Goals That Interest You

The quickest method to become motivated is to select goals that fascinate you. Something that relates to your purpose. When you appreciate what you do, it is simpler to get and stay motivated. And this is incredibly important because, in the low days, you will see a reason to continue.

Establish a Routine

Consider the things in your life that have become habitual. You simply have to do them. Things like brushing your teeth in the morning, taking a bath, organizing your space, and even eating. You may believe that these things come naturally to you since they are necessary for survival, but this is not entirely accurate. It’s because you’ve established a habit around it. Staying motivated is a skill that must be developed, just like any other. Be patient, and stick to your program. Structuring your day will help you operate more efficiently and stay organized.

Find a Mentor

Mentors and coaches can help you maintain your ambition. Working with people who have been where we are and can empathize with our struggles and concerns makes us feel motivated and encouraged. They could be a teacher, coworker, coach, or a counselor. Providing motivation is an essential component of effective coaching.


Many people experience a lack of motivation at some point in their lives. This may be due to burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. When you feel this way, it may be tough to go about your daily activities in the way you used to. Remember it is okay to take things slow and focus on self-care.


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