Why Am I So Indecisive? Top 10 Reasons and Best Navigation Methods

why am i so indecisive
Young student with thoughtful expression with tangled arrows coming out of her back

Are you constantly struggling with making decisions, big or small? Is it nearly impossible for you to make a decision? If you have ever wondered, “Why am I so indecisive?” then you should know you are not alone. Indecisiveness is a prevalent problem for many people. In this article, I will explain some of the factors that may contribute to your indecisiveness and also offer helpful ways to overcome them. Whether you are deciding on a career path, asking that lady out, or simply what to have for dinner, keep reading; this article is for you!

Key Takeaways

  • Factors that make you indecisive may include parental conflict, fear of unforeseeable effects of the choices you make, too many choices, lack of confidence in yourself, forgetting about your goals, and overthinking.
  • A simple decision-making framework can help you manage this efficiently. You can assign time limits to when you have to make a decision, evaluate the potential consequences realistically, and keep in mind that not all choices have the same impact.
  • Your anxiety about your worthiness or compatibility with your partner may contribute to indecision about your relationship. It is important that you self-reflect to properly understand the root of your feelings. Openly discuss your uncertainties and fears with your partner, as this might develop your bond together.
  • To stop being so indecisive you should make Your own choices, build your self-esteem, discuss it with someone, narrow it down, and outline the advantages and disadvantages.

Why Am I So Indecisive About Everything?

Different factors can make you hesitant when you have to make a decision. I’ll be discussing some of them with you in this article.

#1. Perfectionism

Many people find the prospect of making mistakes absolutely unbearable. If you’re the kind of person who stresses over the quality of the things you do, that perfectionism can influence your decision-making. Instead of thinking about things in terms of right or wrong, you should just consider the pros and cons of each option rationally. And when you do make a decision, convince yourself that you are not making a mistake. Frankly, every decision has its advantages and disadvantages, so there will never be any decision that is inherently “perfect.”

#2. People-pleasing

If you often ask yourself, “Why am I so indecisive?” another reason might be that you’re a people-pleaser. You may find it difficult to make certain decisions because someone who has a major influence on your life has a different opinion from yours. As a result, you may become indecisive because you don’t know whether you want to do what they want or what you want. You should know that there is no definitive right or wrong side, but you must never sell yourself short by getting into the habit of constantly trying to please others.

#3. Parental Conflict

Even as adults, our parents’ decisions still tend to have a long-lasting impact on us. If you grew up with overprotective or controlling parents, this may be another reason you’re unable to make your own decisions. On the one hand, you may be concerned about what your parents would think about the choice you’re making. On the other hand, you may not even know what to do at all because you’re so used to your parents making decisions for you all the time.

In other words, being indecisive could also be because your parents are indecisive, and you have unknowingly picked this up from them. Whatever the case may be, your best bet is to try to distance yourself from your parents and learn how to be independent of them. Instead of worrying about what they will think or how they will make decisions, focus on discovering your own uniqueness.

#4. Fear

Yes, fear is also associated with indecision. It is understandable if you’re feeling worried or anxious about the unforeseeable effects of the choices you make today. Assume you have two job offers. One will give you a promotion that is far from where you live. While the other is close to where you live, the pay is not as great as the first. A conflict may arise when trying to choose if you should move closer to the workplace that is far away or settle for the one close by.

In such cases, you simply must learn to take responsibility for your actions and strive for positive outcomes. Ensure you properly consider the potential good that could come out of your decisions so you can escape that paralyzing anxiety and get to make a decision.

#5. Too Many Choices

Wouldn’t it be better to have more options when making a decision? But you might be surprised to know that having too many choices is another reason why you might be so indecisive. When confronted with too many options that will influence our final decision, we might tend to shut down. Sometimes, we do not know what we want because there are so many things to pick from. If you’re having trouble with this, consider taking a step back and concentrating on only two or three options at a time. This will help you eliminate options as you go and then you can make a decision more easily.

#6. Lack of Confidence

Another reason why you might be so indecisive is that you may lack confidence in yourself. When it comes to making decisions, you may know which way you want to or should go, but you are unsure because you doubt yourself. When this self-doubt sets in, you will then begin to procrastinate and postpone making a decision. In such cases, you should convince yourself that you will always choose to do what you think is best for you. And if it happens to end wrongly, don’t let that deter you, because even the best of us make mistakes.

#7. Forgetting About Your Goals

With so many things influencing our decision-making, it is easy to lose sight of your goals. You should always make decisions that help to advance your goals. When other distractions set in and cause us to lose sight of our long-term goals, making decisions can then be difficult for you. When making a major decision, take a minute to reflect on your objectives (whether they are specific or not). It will be much easier to put your potential decisions into perspective if you have a vision for the future.

#8. Overthinking

Overthinking may be another reason why you’re indecisive. When you try to consider too many possibilities before making a decision, you may become immobilized because there are too many things to factor in. However, it is unrealistic to calculate every possibility of a situation. We cannot predict the future. A better way to look at it is to admit that there are things that we simply cannot have control over.

#9. You Have a “Lack Mentality”

To have a “lack mentality” means that you overthink and overanalyze everything because you believe there are not enough resources or options for you. This can be very limiting for you when you have to make decisions. On the other hand, having an abundance mentality means that you do what you want in every moment, confident that everything you need in the present or future will be available for you. It is the polar opposite of having a lack of mentality. With an abundance mindset, you can focus on the broad picture and what counts. Thus, making decisions becomes much easier.

#10. Change

Every decision we make, no matter how big or small, results in some kind of change. Consider how different your life was ten years ago. Even when change is wonderful, it can be overwhelming, uncomfortable, or even frightening. However, it is critical to realize that our lives are constantly changing. We would never get anywhere unless we were willing to face the unknown. With that in mind, think about your options and be open to change when it arrives.

Why Am I So Indecisive About Little Things?

The fear of making mistakes might cause indecision regarding small matters. When you strive for perfection, even simple decisions can become monumental. If you also overthink things, it can make you afraid to make decisions, even if they are trivial. A simple decision-making framework can help you manage this efficiently. You can assign time limits to when you have to make a decision, evaluate the potential consequences realistically, and keep in mind that not all choices have the same impact. By doing this, you can gain confidence in making modest decisions and minimize the grip of indecision on your daily life.

Why Am I So Indecisive About My Relationship?

Feeling indecisive about your relationship is a frequent emotional response that can be triggered by different factors. The doubt you are feeling could be founded on a fear of making the wrong choice, which could lead to regrets or unpleasant consequences. If you have had a traumatic experience involving heartbreak or difficult relationships in the past, it might be the reason for your hesitation.

Additionally, your anxiety about your worthiness or compatibility with your partner may also contribute to this indecision. It is important that you self-reflect to properly understand the root of your feelings. Openly discuss your uncertainties and fears with your partner, as this might develop your bond together. Relationships are complicated and dynamic, so it is important that you take the time you need to examine your feelings before making any decisions.

Why Am I So Indecisive About My Future?

If you are unsure about your future, it could be due to both internal and external factors. Internal issues may include apprehension about making the wrong decision, a lack of self-confidence, or being unclear about your personal goals and values. External causes may also include societal standards, family pressures, and even economic insecurity. We live in a fast-paced world and there are so many options today that can make decision-making really difficult. To overcome this indecision and make informed decisions about your future, it is important that you self-reflect, seek assistance, and create realistic goals.

Why Am I So Indecisive About My Career?

Your decision about your career can be a result of several circumstances. It could be due to a lack of clarity about your hobbies, interests, and talents, which can make deciding on the best professional route difficult. You can also be influenced by external factors, such as cultural standards or family influences. You may feel conflicted between pursuing your goals and satisfying the expectations of others.

Furthermore, fear of failure or the unknown can have a huge influence on your decision. When you have to make key employment decisions, you may feel reluctant because you’re unsure. You must know that feeling indecisive about your career is a typical experience. Ensure that you seek out advice through self-reflection, career counseling, or mentorship. This will help provide you with clarity and confidence in your professional choices.

How Do I Stop Being So Indecisive?

Decisiveness is not just about making choices; it’s about making informed choices that align with your values and goals. Here are some helpful tips on how to stop being so indecisive:

#1. Make Your Own Choices

If you’re trying to make a decision and you ask five people for their opinions, what will happen is that you’ll only end up more confused. When you follow your instincts, you will know what the best decision for you is. Avoid letting others decide what is best for you. No one can give you the correct answers to what is best for you except yourself.

#2. Build Your Self-esteem

Building your self-esteem is another tip to help you stop being so indecisive. When making a decision, you should believe your instincts that you’re making the one that is best for you. Avoid second-guessing. By being confident in yourself and trusting yourself, making decisions will be much easier for you.

#3. Discuss It With Someone

The simple act of speaking out loud can also assist in reducing your internal conflicts when you have to make a decision. Find someone you trust and share your thoughts with them. When you express your fears aloud to someone else, they may be able to provide a fresh perspective on the situation. Thus, making a decision can become less confusing and worrying for you.

#4. Narrow It Down

When you have to make a decision that involves several possibilities, you can take a pragmatic approach. Weigh all the options considerably and reduce them to three. Then, evaluate the final three again to make your final decision.

#5. Outline the Advantages and Disadvantages

If you get stuck while making a decision, you can also make a list outlining the pros and cons of what you’re considering. You must write them down. If you only run it over in your mind, it may contribute to your indecision, which is already counterproductive.

#6. Get Informed

When you need to make an important decision, be sure that you have all the information you need. You will be able to avoid indecision if you do your homework and understand the nuances of the key issue.

#7. Recognize and Applaud Your Choices

Congratulate yourself whenever you make a decision. When you positively affirm yourself, you feel great about your decision-making skills. And if there’s a negative voice in your head, simply repeat those words of validation and boost your self-confidence.

Is Indecisiveness a Symptom of Insecurity?

In certain cases, indecisiveness is a sign of insecurity. If you lack confidence or are unsure of your talents, you may find it difficult to make decisions because you’re afraid of making the wrong ones. However, you should know that indecisiveness can be caused by other factors, some of which I have already addressed in this article. It can also be a symptom of various mental health issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), social anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and so on. You must determine the actual circumstances underlying your indecision so that you may properly address the issue.


The road to overcoming indecision is not simple, but it is one you must take. The uncertainty of life will require you to leave your comfort zone and it is only through this that you can grow. This all comes down to how effectively you practice making independent and timely decisions while also building confidence in yourself. You may believe you have made a mistake and that it will not work out, but what if it does? After all, it is in the face of adversity that we discover our actual strength and open the way to a brighter future.

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