Are there side effects of smoking dabs? I believe dabs were made to increase effectiveness and curb the side effects of marijuana intake for the users. The need to get the euphoria from these harmful substances while removing the dangerous side effects is what probably led to the ingenious creation of dabs out of marijuana. Necessity is the mother of invention, right? It suffices to say that the aim of this particular invention was lost as the side effects of smoking dabs are no different from the ones experienced by smoking marijuana despite the different forms of appearance and intake.
Key Takeaways
- Dab is a slang people use to refer to a more concentrated form of marijuana. This substance comes in a sticky, waxy form as opposed to pure marijuana which comes in a dry leafy form.
- Because of the high level of THC, the side effects of smoking dabs are supposedly much stronger than those of marijuana in its pure form. Some side effects of smoking dabs are vomiting, anxiety, respiratory problems, and hallucinations.
- Neither dabbing nor smoking is healthier (until proven otherwise) as the side effects of smoking dabs are not different from those of marijuana.
What Are Dabs?

Seeing ‘smoking’ next to the word dabs might interest a lot of people. It’s easy to interpret the term ‘dab’ for the popular dance style amongst Americans especially when you are not conversant with its other meaning. Interestingly, we are talking about the side effects of smoking dabs and not the side effects of dancing dabs.
Well, in marijuana terms, dab is a slang people use to refer to a more concentrated form of marijuana. This substance comes in a sticky, waxy form as opposed to pure marijuana which comes in a dry leafy form. Dabs are equally called Butane Hash Oil (BHO) because liquid butane gas is used as a solvent during extraction from dried marijuana leaves.
How Are Dabs Produced?
As earlier stated, dabs are extracts from dried marijuana leaves. During extraction, liquid butane, which acts as a solvent is poured on the dry marijuana to dissolve the (THC), tetrahydrocannabinol present in marijuana leaves. This THC is the proactive and intoxicating chemical found in marijuana.
At the end of this process, the result is a sticky, gooey substance. This substance is known as a dab. These dabs come in different colors: brown, yellow, amber, and white.
It contains a high concentration of THC and tends to knock people out faster.
What Is Dabbing and How Does It Work?

Although dabs are extracts of marijuana plants, they produce similar effects. They don’t look alike and you can’t ingest them the same way.
The method of intaking dabs is called dabbing.
Unlike the raw form of marijuana, which is smoked. This concentrated form is inhaled as vapor. During intake, a specifically designed glass called an oil rig or dab rig and e-rig, as the case may be is used. You place a desirable amount of dab inside and heat at a very high temperature. This high temperature converts the sticky dab into vapor and the vapor gets inhaled. Perhaps, it would be more logical to say this article is on the side effects of inhaling dabs and not the side effects of smoking dabs.
Can You Overdose on Dabbing?
Allegedly, dabs produce twice the feeling of marijuana in a single inhale. This means that one drag of dab vapor may leave you instantly stoned, unlike the orthodox joint smoking form of marijuana. When asked, a lot of people testified that they dab because they get the euphoria that marijuana gives in a shorter period.
The possibility of overdosing on dabs has been a controversial topic and to date, people are uncertain whether the term overdose applies to marijuana intake and dabbing.
Some people believe that people can overdose on dabbing. Though they claim an overdose of dabbing is not nearly as harmful. But what makes it an ‘overdose’ if it’s not harmful?
Some other people counter this opinion. To them, anything can overdose, and too much is always too bad. The question though remains ‘What amount is too much?’
Records of death from marijuana intake show that a great percentage of deaths occurred when there is a mixture of marijuana or its concentrated form, dab, and other drugs such as opioids. Whether it’s the dab or the other substance that causes the death is still unclear.
Street Names for Dabbing
People have mastered the use of different street slang to refer to dabbing over the years, most especially, teens. This may be a vague attempt to confuse unsuspecting persons about the gist of the discussion. With this street slang, teens can talk about drugs without raising eyebrows. Like many slang and street languages, these terms are kind of code words that may be difficult to decipher for a non-drug user.
It’s pertinent though, that we learn this slang to detect drug use as early as possible. When people around you begin to use these street languages, it is important to act as soon as possible and seek help from people or relevant authorities. This could help the victim from going in too deep
The list of slang used is long but the commonly used ones include:
- Wax
- Budder or butter
- Shatter
- Honey oil
- 710
Dangers and Side Effects of Smoking Dabs

The myth is that dabbing is relatively safer than smoking because a single inhale will most likely produce the required effect on a person.
Notwithstanding this widespread belief, dabbing causes so many highly dangerous side effects. Some of these side effects take place short-term while some others appear in the long run. Regardless of the differences in the intake, the side effects of dabbing are very much similar to that of taking marijuana. As a matter of fact, because of the high level of THC, the side effects of smoking dabs are supposedly much stronger than those of marijuana in its pure form.
These side effects include;
1. Explosive:
The greatest danger in dabbing lies in the production more than the intake. The production of dabs is highly risky and dangerous as the butane gas used as a solvent in the process is highly inflammable.
Introducing heat in butane-charged air can not only cause burns but also cause a highly fatal explosion if handled carelessly.
2. More Intense High
Unlike marijuana where the intoxicating feeling of highness comes bit by bit, dabbing creates an almost instant high and this can be dangerous. What’s worse, it’s difficult to calculate the volume of vapor one takes during dabbing and this makes more excessive intake plausible and with more intake, comes a more intense high which could cause several other side effects such as:
- Anxiety: highness causes anxiety. With marijuana, it’s more plausible to just attain a certain level of highness. With dabbing, it’s much more difficult to control. And therefore, more anxiety could set in which could in turn cause panic attacks or disorders.
- Hallucination: hallucination refers to a situation where a person perceives objects or things that appear to be real but are not. Dabbing produces this effect in its users.
- Blackouts: sometimes, intense highness can cause loss of consciousness in persons. This blackout lasts for a short period.
- Paranoia: refers to the extreme feeling of distrust for people around you that makes you feel unsafe around them.
- Increase in the rate of heartbeat.
- Chest pain
- Increased appetite
3. Addiction
Another harmful side effect of smoking dabs that might appear in the long run is the fact that it is very addictive. Even though there is growing advocacy for the health benefits of marijuana, the intoxicating effect is highly addictive. This is because of the release of a high level of dopamine (the substance responsible for pleasure). This dopamine creates a highly intoxicating experience in people and leaves them wanting to recreate the experience regularly.
Addiction disorients people. The downside of addiction remains the inability to willingly stop even when it proves dangerous to your mental, emotional, and financial well-being and that of your loved ones. Quitting an addiction is very challenging and can come with intense withdrawal symptoms. Quitting dabs is even more challenging.
4. Respiratory Issues
The high temperatures and chemicals used in dabbing can harm the lungs, resulting in respiratory illnesses.
Withdrawal Symptoms of Dabbing
People are most likely going to experience withdrawal symptoms when they decide to quit dab. This is because of the addictive tendency of the substance. Withdrawal symptoms come as a result of quitting any form of addiction and these symptoms can be so severe, that they end up causing a relapse in the victims.
Withdrawal symptoms are simply physical symptoms that result from stopping a drug on which you have grown dependent. These symptoms are even similar to the side effects of smoking dabs
The withdrawal symptoms of dabbing include;
- Lack of appetite
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Depression
- Hallucinations
- Nervousness
Dabbing Versus Smoking

The pure form of cannabis or marijuana is smoked, unlike dabs which users inhale as vapor. Many marijuana takers believe that dabbing is healthier as the vapor is void of carcinogenic materials that smoke contains which are harmful to the lungs. In addition, a small quantity of dab can create the desired effect. Therefore, much quantity is not needed like the conventional method of taking marijuana which will require longer drags and puffs of smoke.
Despite these presumptions, there has been no concrete research that proves that dabbing is safer than smoking, health-wise.
In some ways still, people recommend dabbing to the traditional method of smoking. This is because, for one, the process of intake is more discrete and smoke-free. Smoking ‘joint’ can be a source of discomfort to people around you. Especially the ones who don’t smoke. With dabs, there is less tendency to discomfort people around you since the vapor has no offensive odor. Secondly, the cost of dabbing is way more than that of smoking which might positively influence the intake. It’s easy to abuse cheap drugs since it’s very much affordable. However, when the cost of a drug digs a sizeable hole in your pocket, the intake might be less.
Considering how effective dabs are, it is safe to say that they are less time-consuming to take.
Conclusively, neither dabbing nor smoking is healthier (until proven otherwise) as the side effects of smoking dabs are not different from those of marijuana.
Perceived Benefits of Dabbing
So many countries, including about 8 states in the United States continue to legalize marijuana because of the perceived health benefits of the substance. Health practitioners insist that the effect of marijuana is less lethal than other drugs like opioids, alcohol, tobacco, etc. More so, unlike these other drugs, marijuana is the only one with perceived health benefits. These benefits include the treatment of some diseases and illnesses such as glaucoma, chronic pain, cancer, epilepsy, etc.
Doctors’ prescription is important in using marijuana for treatment nonetheless.
What Are the Risks Of Dabbing?
Short-term users of shatter or dab wax can expect any or all of the following: Visual and auditory hallucinations. High blood pressure. Increased heart rate.
Are Smoking Dabs Bad for Your Lungs?
The use of “vape-pens” to inhale cannabis concentrates or liquids may have similar respiratory health consequences as e-cigarette use. “Dabbing” (inhaling flash-vaporized cannabis concentrates) may potentially result in respiratory issues.
How Long Do Dabs Last You?
Dabs contain high levels of THC and are strong and flavorful. Dabbing produces quick results, making it one of the best ways to relieve pain. The high from dabbing lasts about one to three hours.
Can Dab Affect Your Kidneys?
While cannabis does not appear to affect kidney function in healthy people, it is important to closely monitor renal function in those who have CKD. The lowest effective dose should be taken, and smoking should be avoided due to the risk of pulmonary problems.
Drug use and misuse continue to claim lives and destroy people daily. The quest to find a suitable means of using these harmful drugs is high, which is why people invent different methods of taking these drugs. Sadly, the effects of these drugs don’t change despite the new methods of intake, at least not yet.
Despite the perceived benefits of dabbing as being cleaner, more discrete, and smoke-free, it’s pertinent to understand that the underlying psychological and physical symptoms present in marijuana are equally present in dabbing. This ultimately means, doing the same thing, just in different ways.
There remains no safe way to abuse drugs.
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