In life we can comfortably say that everyone wants to be successful, it’s also true that many work day and night toward it. But the real question is do those actions align with success? You should know that being successful starts with the mind, so first you need to have the right mindset for success which includes accepting some hard truths about life.
Note: Success doesn’t have to mean getting your name into Forbes, it could mean passing an exam, hitting a particular figure, or just achieving whatever goal you might have set.
Key Takeaways
- Until you establish what success really means to you, you might never really achieve it.
- There is nothing wrong with being a novice with a vision, You have to start somewhere and then strive to grow.
- While chasing the bag, don’t forget the little things that really matter, they are the ones that bring lasting happiness.
- Getting help from therapists or coaches to perform better at whatever you do doesn’t mean you are not well enough.
#1 Hard Truth
Success Is Relative
There is no universal definition of success, success should mean different things to different people but the problem starts when you channel your energy towards achieving someone else idea of success.
In this context, success means achieving the desired vision and planned goals (your planned goals and vision cannot be exactly the same as someone else). So just until you establish what success really means to you, you might never really achieve it.
#2 Hard Truth
Support Might Not Always Come From Family and Friends.
I often see people complain that family and friends don’t give them enough support, they don’t patronize them and they don’t repost their work. Trust me, I know how great it feels to get that love and support but don’t get disappointed when it doesn’t come or when it doesn’t last. They are not your target audience, the earlier you know this the earlier you let go of all the entitlements and face the reality.
If your business or service cannot perform without your family and friends, then, you might need to re-strategize or probably book a strategy session to help you. Let me remind you, some of these people were in your life before your business/service so defining or rating them based on your business/services might not be the best thing to do. Another reason their support might not last is that they do it out of obligation.
I learned this from experience! use the link at the end of the post to get ”my experience” sent to your mail.
#3 Hard Truth
You Need That Motivation, Don’t Deny It!
In recent times motivational speakers get a lot of down talk, probably because it sounds cliche (aspire to perspire) but another thing I found out is that people often do this not because they have listened to them but because it is assumed that they are about to say just the same thing. I ask certain people ”why do you go to church so often”? and they say it is because they have to engage in activities that will bring them closer to God.
Come to think of it as Christians heaven is the target so you have to take actions that align with what will take you to heaven. which includes reading the bible, listening to messages, etc. You have priests and pastors who guide you and repeat almost the same thing you have always heard all your life just to make sure you don’t deviate.
In the same light, if you want to succeed at something, you have motivational books, speakers, and podcasts that can help put you on the right track to achieve success. It is indisputable that some of them might not be for you, choose the ones that are in line with your goals. When you feed your mind with like things, it gets easier to take the right action. Trust me sometimes our brains need that push and motivation but we keep starving them of it. Try it and see how empowering it can be. I can help you with some recommendations, send a mail.
#4 Hard Truth
You Can’t Avoid Being a Novice
This is one thing you will surely have in common with all the people you look up to, they were once novices. But these days everybody wants to have a perfect day 1. Trust me there is nothing wrong with being a novice with a vision. As funny as it might sound I see being a novice as a great opportunity,
How? This is a time to make as many mistakes as possible and learn from them, this is the time when you don’t get so much expectation so the pressure is less, this is a time to structure and have a consistent pattern, this is a time for self-development. I can go on and on but the point is being a novice helps you grow better and stronger.
#5 Hard Truth
You Have to Let Go
While climbing the success ladder there are some things that will no longer align with your values, what you have become, and where you are headed. Just because something seemed right for you in the past doesn’t mean it will continue to be right for you. It won’t be easy to admit it at first but the moment you do, you will be glad you did.
There are friends you might have to reduce the way you associate with, there are places you will have to stop going to, there are businesses you won’t have to get involved with, and there are people you will have to unfollow on social media. This means you are growing and you understand the importance of your journey. Overlooking these things can actually ruin your whole hard work. Remember, your actions need to align with what you want to achieve.
#6 Hard Truth
Hard work and Consistency Isn’t Always Enough
A common motivational phrase is “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” I had a baseball coach who would say, “…but if talent works hard, you’re pretty much f*, so let’s hope it doesn’t.” Funny but true.
Do your best, but don’t think it will always be enough. Hard work and consistency will always give you a chance, but there are occasions when you will simply lose. If you lose, make sure it’s because the other individual is simply more talented than you.
Never beat yourself up.
#7 Hard Truth
Money Is Not Lasting Happiness
Just before you decide to disagree with me. I understand that in recent times everybody wants to seem ambitious by saying money is happiness but have you ever given it a deep thought? There is no doubt that money gives instant gratification, which means it won’t last as long as you expect. Happiness happens on the inside, money can help to amplify it. So if you have been waiting for riches to be happy then you might never find true happiness.
Do you know when you have always dreamt of using your present cell phone, at that point, you might believe that once you have it you will be ok, but the truth is after like 4months you will already have another dream phone and your current phone will be normal to you and it keeps going that, That is life! When the riches normalize what next? more riches for more happiness?
While chasing the bag, don’t forget the little things that really matter, they are the ones that bring lasting happiness. Discover what true happiness means to you. Just money isn’t enough. Learn the act of contentment.
#8 Hard Truth
You Need Professional Help Sometimes
Life is a journey and in the course of that journey, we are uncertain of the things that we might come across, and whatever we come across shapes who we become, and who we become is how we eventually handle everything. Every experience (past or present) has an influence on everything we do. sometimes we get overwhelmed with our emotions and it affects our productivity. Sometimes, we get confused and lost on what we truly want out of life. It is not your battle alone, get help.
There are some people who are specially trained to help people become better versions of themselves.
Therapists: They help you heal from the past, and they help you prioritize your mental health. They help you manage and channel your emotions properly.
Coaches/mentors: They are trained to help you discover your life’s purpose and strategies on how to achieve your goals. A mindset coach, business coach, relationship coach, emotional intelligence coach, personal development coach, etc. Imagine how easy life can be if you start getting the help you need. These helping professions are simply saying ”you don’t have to do it alone, we are here for you.
Don’t ever have the mindset that people who need therapists and coaches are not well enough. Most of these great men you look up to get the help they need. Research shows that people who have therapists and coaches perform better at whatever they do.
A word from Psychmoments
No long talk today, I just want to thank you for always coming back for more, for the shares, the likes, the lovely comments, and for the encouragement. For those joining our lovely moment for the first time, I am screaming welcome! And feel free to go back and binge on the previous posts ( all the moments you missed). Subscribe for more updates.
We are psychmoments and our goal is to help you become a better version of yourself in order for you to reach your full potential. We are rooting for you 💕
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Question: What other hard truths about life would you like to share with us?