How to Become an Extrovert: 10 Proven Ways

How to Become an Extrovert

Want to become an extrovert? Well, dive in!

“Have you ever been told to go out more often? Do you actually want to feel comfortable when you’re out with a group of friends? Do you want to be able to have a free-flowing conversation with a stranger and not feel tense? If your answer is yes, I have good news. You can learn to be less of an introvert.

Meanwhile, it’s impossible to be totally introverted or extroverted. We all have a higher percentage of one of them. That is why this conversation about becoming an introvert can be brought up. Trying to learn how to become an introvert doesn’t mean being an extrovert is better. However, balance is something we all need.

At some point in our lives, we might need to learn some skills in order to do better in a particular field. That is exactly what this is about. Your present job might require you to be more sociable or you might want to make new friends. Whatever your reason might be, you can become an extrovert by following the practical steps in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • Extroverts are described as sociable, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and outgoing.
  • Work or school is an easy start in your journey to extroversion. At least there are a lot of conversation starters since you are always in the same environment.
  • When having conversations about things that interest you and the other person, it will flow naturally thereby giving you a chance to socialize more.
  • When you join a social group, especially something you enjoy doing, relating with them will be much easier and it will, directly and indirectly, improve your general social interaction.

Who is an Extrovert?

Extroverts are described as sociable, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and outgoing. Although, they are sometimes described as attention-seeking, often distracted, and unable to keep to themselves. They are often described as the life of the party. Due to their outgoing nature, they are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors. They get energy from social interactions.

Tips on How to Become an Extrovert

Here are some proven ways to overcome introversion and to be more outgoing without losing yourself.

Have Conversations with Colleagues or Schoolmates

Work or school is an easy start. You literally see these people all the time so it’s sort of easy to start from them. At least there are a lot of conversation starters since you are always in the same environment.

This would be a start in your journey to extroversion. Introverts prefer to keep to themselves and avoid socializing. An introvert would often give small or cold replies. Having small talks with classmates or colleagues often paves the way for a more interesting conversation. See small talks as an opportunity to connect.

Gradually but Consistently Increase Social Exposure

Firstly, people who are naturally introverted get their energy drained by social events. So, make sure your introversion is not a result of shyness.

Make a habit of accepting social invitations. This is the next step to follow. However, it is advised you don’t say yes to every invitation because you might get socially drained. The idea is to take baby steps, one social event at a time. Always make sure you have lots of time to recharge between events.

Attending more social events gives you a higher chance of meeting and speaking with strangers. After a number of events, you will gradually start to adjust properly to these social environments.

Keep Your Phone Away During a Social Gathering

You should pay more attention to socializing at a social event rather than looking at your screen. Engaging in your phone while around other people will naturally make them feel you are not interested in the activities around you. They will move on without you and you will feel left out. Always remember that you left your house for a reason and that doesn’t include being on your phone.

Instead, leave your phone out of your reach to avoid getting distracted. You may be used to looking at your phone and may feel incomplete without your other half (phone) but try as much as you can and it will eventually feel easier with time.

Mention Your Personal Interests in Conversations

The goal is to find things you might like in common. When having conversations about things that interest you, it will flow naturally thereby giving you a chance to socialize more.

Avoid speaking less, and try to carry the conversation together with the other person. Balance the conversation by mentioning things that interest you. Try to see if you have anything in common with this person so you can have a deeper conversation with him/her.

For example, if someone asks “How was your weekend?” Avoid answering with “It was great” or “Fine.” Instead, say “I spent my weekend indoors watching the new episodes of Money Heist. It was really breathtaking. Have you seen the series?”

This is a great way to answer a question, you’d be surprised how far a conversation would go by answering your questions like that.

Be Enthusiastic

Showing genuine interest, being energetic, and giving out positive vibes are great attributes to have. Maintaining these energies will naturally make the other person respond in the same way. When you possess these attributes, having a conversation with a stranger will feel like you’ve known for ages and that is such an amazing feeling.

One way to be enthusiastic is to go to social gatherings that interest you. For instance, watching your favorite sport makes you naturally interested in conversations surrounding it.

Speak Up and Share Your Opinion

You have to be assertive and include yourself in the conversation, especially around a group of people. Rather than keeping to yourself or not being sure about what to say, put yourself into the conversation, and speak with a slightly raised voice so that you can be heard. Speak confidently, don’t stutter or else you might come off as someone with low energy. Avoid using “uh, umm, I guess” it doesn’t show confidence.

Express your opinion when and when not given the chance. As an introvert, it’s normal to stay quiet even when you disagree with something. State how you personally feel about something, with a firm stance without shutting down their opinion. You can learn to start with just one person and then gradually grow into bigger groups. It’s a gradual process.

Be a Good Listener

Although we were hoping you could speak up more and everything, don’t forget to give the other person a chance to speak. When you constantly talk without giving the other person a chance to say something or share an opinion, you’d come off as rude or whatever.

Listen actively to what he/she has to say, lean in closer to them to make gestures like nodding, maintaining eye contact, etc. This would give the speaker the impression that you are following. Avoid daydreaming or thinking about what to say next.

You should know that active listening is one of the ways to have a good interaction. When you listen actively, you will understand better and then your replies tend to be more accurate.

Try Out New Experiences

Do things you normally wouldn’t do. It’s always easy to do things you are comfortable with but you may be missing out on something you’d love or something that may be your new hobby. Open your eyes to opportunities to try out new things. Step out of your comfort zone more often to discover new passions and meet new people.

Remember, nothing different can happen in your comfort zone. I never knew I’d be the type to love hiking until I tried it once and trust me I have made a good number of friends and also found myself a new hobby. I urge you to be more open-minded, you never know until you try.

Set Practical Goals

Make a list of things to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Being more precise will help you stay more accountable. For instance,

  • Join Clair for her weekly get-together on Tuesday
  • Start a conversation with two strangers at the wedding
  • Smile at three random people today
  • Answering questions in school today without using one-word replies.
  • Give random compliments to people today

This might be a stretch but trust me it’s worth it. When you set practical goals like this it begins to internalize and then you find yourself doing them without even planning.

Read: Setting Long And Short-Term Goals: Free Template & Best Practices

Join a Social Group

The first time I joined a book club, it was for the sole purpose of reading more books. However, presently it’s now more than just a book club for me. It’s like a mini-community of people that understand me and I can easily relate to. When you join a social group, especially something you enjoy doing. Relating with them will be much easier and it will, directly and indirectly, improve your general social interaction. Think of something you love to do and join a social group for it.

Can I Be a Shy Extrovert?

Contrary to popular belief, extroverts are not necessarily good at socializing. Shy Extroverts are people who thrive on social interactions but lack the skills required to socialize effectively. Some shy extroverts may feel awkward in social situations and avoid talking to new people.

Why Am I an Introvert?

There are several reasons why people can become introverts. Fear of being judged, lack of confidence, not being comfortable in one’s own skin, and fear of venturing beyond one’s comfort zone are a few examples. In contrast, some introverts just enjoy spending time with themselves. They like their own company.

How Can I Stop Being Shy?

Practice social behaviors such as eye contact, confident body language, introductions, small conversations, questions, and invitations with the people you feel most at ease with. Smile. This is a good way to build your confidence. Then branch out and do it with new friends.


Nobody can be totally introverted or extroverted. We all have a little bit of one and a high percentage of the other. This makes it possible to be able to learn how to become an extrovert. In as much as the above steps will help you achieve this. It is important to know your limits, don’t lose yourself. There are various reasons that can make you want to be more extroverted but always remember that the primary goal is to be a better version of yourself even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes.


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